Disposable urine collection system.
Urine collection bags are made of PVC.
The INNOVATION BAG is a specially designed and patented product for the purpose of emptying urine bags and all bodily excretions contained in biological liquid collection bags with a faucet for easy drainage.
Foreword: The use of these devices is restricted to medical-surgical purposes as intended by idea-design-sale. They must be utilized only by trained personnel.
Connect the INNOVATION BAG emptying bag to the cystoscope using the universal connector LOUER-LOCK.
When you need to empty the catheter bag, open the catheter bag’s connector tap. Urine will flow into the INNOVATION BAG, initiating the gelling process. To expedite this process, gently shake the INNOVATION BAG to allow urine to come into contact with the gelling molecules.
Once the emptying is complete, disconnect the INNOVATION BAG using appropriate gloves and dispose of it according to the current regulations.
Una volta terminato lo svuotamento, scollegare la sacca INNOVATION BAG con appositi guanti e smaltirla secondo le normative vigenti.
Watch the video for proper use.